Keep Elderly People Active E-book

Click on the the book image to learn more about the new Keep Elderly People Active E-book!

About Keep Elderly People Active

“Why is my elderly parent losing interest in being active and involved with other people? I want her to do more and enjoy life, but don’t know how to help her.”

It can be very stressful to see an elderly parent or friend become less interested in engaging with others or doing the things she previously enjoyed doing. You encourage her to be more active, but with limited success.

Many books and other resources are available on what activities and exercises are helpful for elderly people. However, if an elderly parent asks “why should I remain active and do these exercises” or “I’ll just be a bother to other people,” what do you say?

This e-book provides adult children with the ammunition needed to respond to these and many other questions from an elderly parent.

You will learn:

  • Reasons older people become less active and why this is a significant problem.
  • Strategies for overcoming resistance and then preparing elderly parents or friends to become more active safely.
  • Types of activities and exercises that are appropriate for specific levels of functioning and that serve specific purposes.
  • Helpful activities for elderly people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.
  • Resources for additional information regarding the issues addressed in this book.

Now is the opportunity to become empowered to help your elderly parent or friend remain active by understanding why it is important and how to encourage her to do so.